Oct 19, · The Importance Of Voting. Words | 4 Pages. Voting is a “valuable privilege” (Miller), that many eligible voters take for granted. Voter apathy is an issue in America. Many eligible voters decide not to vote either because of political disagreements, political fatigue, or because of the registration process The Importance of Voting Essay Sample With the Long Lines, the stressful waiting, and the constant question of asking yourself “why am I here?” on going in your head makes the waiting to vote the most exciting thing ever. But wait aside of that, think for a blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins Voting: The Importance is Real Election time is here, a chance for every American to go out and vote for the candidate that best suits their own interests, the candidate they think is going to go to washington and make the changes they want to see, and it all started with you and your vote
Importance of Voting Free Essay Sample
We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. A limited time offer! Get a custom sample essay written according to your requirements urgent 3h delivery guaranteed. But wait aside of that, think for a second. This year there were people going to vote even when hurricane sandy hit parts of their neighborhood, destroyed their houses or flooded several ways for them to get to their voting station, but they still voted. They did so To fulfill their duty as a citizen, to make their voice heard and their vote count.
In the democracy that we live in today there are many issues that are being addressed and many opinions trying to turn into ideas about the problems that were facing. That is why as citizens of this nation we need to critically think of which position do we believe in most; and vote to make that difference in our country.
But since this is about the importance of votingnot only should we vote for the president of the United States we should vote for the people that are trying to make their way into our congress, since they make most of the decisions. So congress is one of the most important factors in politics that we should all take into count. We should try to vote in general because that gets us more involved in things that go on in our the importance of voting essay, like our mayors of the state, mayor of the county, or the president of the community.
Besides what do we gain by not voting? So what is getting in the way in order for these people to go vote? Their Job schedule. Americans want to vote, there just not given the chance to. This issue should be the importance of voting essay, the people that want to vote and want their opinion heard or to at least take part in something that will make a difference in their lives should be given the chance to, every job should let their workers have a special time for them to go vote days before.
No one that wants to vote should not do so. Every person with an occupation should be given the chance to make a difference. I know that the least thing a disabled person wants to be is uncomfortable to someone else, they want to feel as if they can go do things themselves without bothering anyone.
So even in the voting polls they have a special place for the importance of voting essay disabled so people should just get out there and vote! Why should you vote? As a parent think of it as voting for your children, your voting to get issues like school security fixed, college scholarships, financial aid etc. You are voting for their future. Lastly, It also gives you credibility we need to make our concerns heard and what better way than voting.
If not how can our concerns be taken into count? They may not even matter at all if we do not vote. Voting gives you the credibility to make your concerns a top priority for legislators, the importance of voting essay. This Topic In my opinion has got to be one of the most important issues that the Country is facing today. So I chose this Contemporary Topic for my project because I strongly believe that voting is a matter we should all take into count, As I have said before it really does make a change into our living even if we may not notice.
This for Americans; is our voice taken into matter into the decisions that are made in our country. We make the difference by getting out there and making sure they heard our voice this is the Americans language in Politics, and we should all speak it and speak up for the well-being of our community and great nation of the United States of America. Sorry, but copying text is forbidden on this website. If you need this or any other sample, we can send it to you via email.
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The Power of the Youth Vote - Mindy Romero - TEDxUCDavis
, time: 15:24Importance of voting | Essay and speech
Voting: The Importance is Real Election time is here, a chance for every American to go out and vote for the candidate that best suits their own interests, the candidate they think is going to go to washington and make the changes they want to see, and it all started with you and your vote Importance of voting The majority of countries in the world run on the principles of democracy, which functions on the dictum of the people, for the people, and by the people. The very foundation of democracy lies in the ability of the people to voice their opinion and choose their own leaders among themselves, through the process of voting Sep 29, · ENG Essay. Date. The Importance of Voting. The reason to vote cannot be over stated. One man one vote says a lot. It puts each person on equal footing. A vote from a rich person has the same power as a poor person. Young people has the same right to be heard as their elders
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